If you are a Lord of certain Towns or Castles, speaking to the Master at Arms will allow him to train special troops of that location for you. If you sustain the same injury twice, then it will become permanent. Your wound will heal eventually on its own if you cant afford to pay a maester. If you have high renown then the price will be less. If you get wounded in battle you can pay a maester to heal your wounds and your health. You can only sell prisoners in Westeros to Wandering Crows. They will cost an initial price plus a weekly wage. There are several roaming parties on the map that you can either fight or recruit. You probably shouldn't try and single hand one of these! Giants are much larger and stronger, though slower than the average man. Motomataru's v5 of formations and formAi. Forts can be built for use as a base of operations where you can garrison troops and hire different npc's. Different special NPC's will visit the tourneys in Essos or Westeros. You can recruit nobles and their men at castles and towns. Some towns will have special troops defending them. Wildfire is available to produce and buy from the Alchemists' Guild. Trees and hair will blow in the wind depending on the weather.

Re-inforcement waves have been tweaked to allow smoother battles. Special locations have been added to various towns for you to visit. Sailing the ocean will cause a moral loss to your men, unless of course you are of Ironborn descent, or travelling by yourself. Being a Lord of certain castles or towns will give you access to special troops when speaking to the Master at Arms. Special locations have been added to the map for you to find and explore. There are several unique parties that roam the map you can fight or hire. Your wounds can be healed by the many maesters around the world. Sell your prisoners to Wandering Crows in Westeros or Slave traders in Essos. Certain parties on the map can be recruited, given troops and given orders. Seek Varys to enable you to either destroy or aid the Targaryens. You can become a Wildling by doing an initiation quest from Mance. You can become a brother of the Nights Watch and everything that comes with it by speaking to whomever the current commander is.

Press backspace while in battle for more options and a mini map. Notable Game Elements as of Beta 9.6 Maximum bodyguard count for centers is 7.